In practice, donations cannot occur without next-of-kin consent, so we believe discussing donation with family members in advance is as crucial as signing a donor card. This is your family, and they should know your wishes ahead of time. When the time comes, your signed organ donor card, along with their understanding of your wishes, will help them make an informed decision about donation.
Anyone 18 or older and of sound mind may become a donor upon death. Minors can become donors with the consent of a parent or guardian.
No. Medical personnel must adhere to strict guidelines before they can pronounce death and remove a donor's organs and tissues. Organ and tissue donors receive the same level of healthcare as non-donors.
Medical personnel will know you are a donor by your carrying a "Donor Card." You should also provide copies to your family, doctors, the funeral home handling your pre-arranged services, and your attorney.
The organ donation programs, funded through health care, pay for all costs involved in organ donation and recovery.
The distribution of organs is managed by regional organ banks, which are connected to a national computer network, facilitating the rapid matching of organ donors with recipients. Tissue distribution is coordinated by various tissue banks across the country.
While most programs have age restrictions for organ donation, this should not affect your decision to become a donor. The transplant team will determine at the time of donation whether the organs or tissues are suitable for transplantation. If they cannot be transplanted, the organs or tissues may still be valuable for medical research.
Organ donation does not significantly delay funeral arrangements or disfigure the body, so no changes will be needed to your funeral plans. If you plan to donate your body for medical research, ensure that all details are arranged with your local anatomical board.
Absolutely. Simply tear up your donor card and notify anyone you have informed about your donation decision. Tell your family members, doctors, and funeral home. If your donor status is indicated on your driver's license, contact the driver's license office to update your status.
For further information on organ donation, we suggest the following websites:
Donate Life America